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deputy prime minister of uzbekistan and president of masdar visited navoi project

2021-4-2 16:48:49

on the afternoon of april 2, mr. sartor, the deputy prime minister and minister of investment of uzbekistan, and mr. ramahi, executive president of masdar, visited the navoi project to inspect and guide the work. wang haijun, president of the central and western asia region, and relevant personnel from the navoi state government accompanied the inspection throughout the inspection.
accompanied by the project supervisor and the team of the three companies, the visitors inspected the construction site, fully understood the construction progress of the key buildings and critical paths, and expressed satisfaction with the on-site project progress and safe and civilized construction.
during the process, mr. ramahi had an in-depth exchange with president wang haijun. mr. ramahi said that the project team resolutely overcomes the impact of the epidemic, unswervingly promotes on-site implementation, and affirms the contributions and contributions of all personnel. he also pointed out the significance of the project. this is not only the beginning of cooperation between the two parties in the field of new energy, but also the first implementation of a photovoltaic project in uzbekistan. the good implementation of the project will strongly promote the subsequent construction of the zerafshan wind power project and cooperation in a broader market. . in addition, mr. ramahi hopes that the project team will continue to work hard to achieve power generation on time and quality, and present a big gift before the arrival of uzbek independence day.
finally, mr. wang haijun said that the project team will fully cooperate and go all out to firmly establish the "site is the market" concept, insist that the contract duration target is not relaxed, and ensure that all tasks must be completed.
