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new achievements have been made in the company's craftsman cultivation and employee innovation activities

2022-12-5 10:46:17

recently, the qingdao federation of trade unions issued the notice on the announcement of the innovation achievements of the qingdao craftsman,qingdao model workers and craftsman innovation studios and innovative team workers, and announced the award list of the 2022 one craftsman five innovation activity in qingdao. mr. jia jianhua won the qingdao great craftsman, mr. li xiaojie won the qingdao craftsman.two employee innovation achievementswon the third prize of staff innovation achievements.

the two craftsman are both advanced models with rich practical experience and superb skills in their profession, who are good at using their personal skills to lead the team to solve practical difficulties and problems in work, actively participate in activities such as mentor and apprentice, and help the employees around to grow and progress together. the award-winning innovative projects are also the results and crystallization of the company’s employees in the production practice to solve problems, not only for the company’s high-quality development to provide intelligent solutions, but also for the company to win honor.

in recent years, in order to further promote the in-depth development of industrial worker team construction reform and cultivate more highly skilled and artisan talents, the labor union of the company attaches great importance to the construction of artisan team and the innovation and efficiency work of employees, mobilizes all grass-roots branches to carry out the innovation and efficiency labor competition of employees, coordinates and organizes employees to actively participate in the vocational skills competition of employees, and sets up a platform for employees to make contributions, innovate and create efficiency. vigorously publicize the advanced deeds of model workers, guide and encourage the majority of workers to learn to advance and catch up with the advanced. 

in the next step, the labor union of the company will thoroughly implement the party’s 20 spirit, deepen the project of staff quality improvement, further strengthen the organization and leadership, pay close attention to the implementation of the work, build up and give play to the demonstration and leading role of the model worker innovation studio, actively organize and carry out the training of artisans and the activities of all staff innovation and efficiency, highlighting the creative power of the working class. we will constantly stimulate the innovation and creativity of the employees, strive to promote the emergence of craftsman talents, the continuous improvement of the innovation ability of the employees, and the innovation effect of the company is more significant, so as to provide talent support and intellectual support for the high-quality development of the company. 
