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morocco jerada 1×350mw coal-fired unit o&m contract is successfully extended

2022-12-9 17:51:59

at local time december 1, morocco jerada o&m project signed the supplementary agreement of extending the o&m contract as the second five-year period with onee.

the o&m contract of project was signed on july 17, 2017, with the first contract period of five years. the contract came into effect on december 18, 2017, when the unit entered into commercial operation, making the project the first piece of cooperation between china and morocco in the field of electric power operation and maintenance. in the face of new markets and challenges, under the firm leadership of the company and relying on the full epco industrial chain advantages of the company, the o&m team gave full play to its superb o&m skills, overcame various difficulties, and has achieved 1789 days of safe, economic and stable operation of the unit since the implementation of the project, with an accumulated power generation of 13.119 billion kwh, and on grid power of 12.02 billion kwh. during this period, 4 overhauls have been carried out, with no safety accident or environmental protection event, which is fully trusted and highly praised by the owner.

the excellent performance ability and service level demonstrated by the project o&m team in the first five years won the full trust of the owner. the owner decided to continue to entrust the o&m work to the company after the end of the first five years of contract. at the beginning of 2021, the owner’s headquarters established a contract negotiation committee to negotiate with the project o&m team on a new contract. in this regard, the o&m team fully summarized the experience in the first five years of contract execution, and conducted in-depth and detailed discussions with the owner on the terms of the new contract. on the premise of ensuring the maximization of the company’s interests, it strived for more favorable conditions for the signing of the new contract. in particular, the clauses that have a great impact on ld assessment, such as heat consumption deviation, low calorific value of coal combustion, maximum guaranteed net power, have been revised to minimize the risk of future contract execution.

the high-quality performance of the o&m project not only provided a continuous supply of power for the moroccan power grid, but also made important contributions to morocco’s power and energy construction, economic development and livelihood security with its high efficiency and energy saving characteristics. it has made the company’s o&m brand a hit in morocco, established a good reputation and image of chinese enterprises, and laid a solid foundation for the company to continue to explore the african market.

next, the o&m team will continue to carry forward the iron army work style, keep in mind the enterprise concept, and continue to provide high-quality and reliable o&m services to the owners through efficient project implementation and contract performance, so as to continuously win the recognition and trust of the owners, and further develop the moroccan market through performance. at the same time, actively integrate into the local society, maintain a harmonious partnership with the project owner, local government and community, actively assume social responsibility, vigorously implement localization strategy, and give a helping hand to the local economic and social development.
