
welcome to sepcoiii !

the “non-governmental friendly action among china-africa” project executed by sepcoⅲ completed and turned over

2016-5-20 7:49:48

at 10:13 a.m. (nigerian time) of may 17, the completion and donation ceremony of“china-africa people to people friendship actions” were unveiled jointly by the company and the consulate general. the project, sponsored by the consulate general and undertaken by the project department of the company, covers the rehabilitation of olorunsogo community primary school and the supply of desks, chairs and teaching tools.

the ceremony was attended by mr. liu kan, consul-general of lagos-based chinese consulate general, mr.peng hong, project manager of nigeria-based project department, the director of education, science and technology office of ogun state, the executive secretary of the department of education of local government, the local caciques, the directors of phase i and ii olorunsogo-based power station, and all the students and teachers of the school, total more than 300 hundred people.

sepcoiii’s project manager of nigeria department mr. peng hong gave a speech during the ceremony, he introduced specoiii electric power construction cooperation and its development in nigeria. after settled in nigeria, olorunsogo primary school is the 4th school specoiii donated and built for local community. as an international power construction company, specoiii is the epc contractor of olorunsogo phase i and phase ii power plant, and at the same time, also paid more attention to fulfill their social responsibility, and have donated money to build infrastructures such as wells, roads and schools in communities around the project. education is the foundation stone of a country, it relate to the further of a country, it is a windows for student to know about the society and this world, we hope to provide this better environment where students can learn more knowledge, and will become someone who contribute more power to the development of nigeria.

the consul-general liu kan briefed the origin of “china-africa people to people friendship actions” to the guests present at the ceremony. he said that china- nigeria nongovernmental communication constituted an important component of the partnership between the two countries and that the implementation of this project came as promotion to friendship between the chinese and nigerians. mr. liu highly appreciated the efforts the project department of our company had devoted to this project.

the director of education, science and technology office of ogun state, the executive secretary of the department of education of local government, the local caciques and the school headmaster also conveyed their heartfelt thanks to our company and the consulate general for the care and supports to nigerian education. they thought highly of chinese enterprises’ devotion to social responsibilities and showed particular thanks to the contribution our company had been making to the community since its arrival here.

then “china-africa people to people friendship actions” was unveiled by the general manager peng hong, the consul-general liu kan and the director of education, science and technology office of ogun state, followed by presenting students’ supplies and teaching tools.

the event was then reported by such chinese media as cctv, xinhua news agency, west africa issuu and west africa unified commercial news, as well as over ten local media. the consul-general liu kan and the general manager peng hong were interviewed by the media.

the successful launch of the event will come as fuel to establishing the brand of our company, expanding its influence and accelerating the localization.  

